Battery Isolation Manager

Battery Isolation Managers
The BIM isolates the two battery systems, Chassis & Coach, in a Motorhome. This prevents loads in one system from discharging both. It also connects the two battery systems together during charging. Both batteries are charged if either is being charged. The Coach Battery is charged while driving down the road, and the Chassis Battery is charged while plugged into Shore Power at a campground.

Lithium Isolation Managers
The Li-BIM monitors the battery voltage of both the Lead Acid Chassis and Lithium Coach batteries over long periods of time. If it senses a charging voltage, it connects the two batteries together. If the charging system is drastically overburdened, the batteries will be isolated, however, if the Li-BIM sees a long term charging of both batteries it will allow the batteries to remain connected and allow the charging system to do its job.